The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist’s Guide to Enlightenment
Name: The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist’s Guide to Enlightenment
Price: $11.95 (one-time fee)
Owners: Better Listen Audios
Overall Rank: 94/100
“The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist’s Guide to Enlightenment” Overview:
“The Visionary Window” is a series of five audios, each approximately an hour and 15 minutes long. These audios are classroom style, being taught by Dr. Amit Goswami, quantum physicist.
The topics in these audios are the discussion of quantum physics in layman’s terms, and how it can lead to “glimpses” of enlightenment. Dr. Amit Goswami says in the audios that he does not consider himself to be enlightened, but instead, a person who has had “glimpses” of Oneness of Consciousness.
The Pros and the Cons
Pros (What You Will Learn):
Audio One:
- How anything you say about the Absolute is going to be faulty.
- Why it is impossible to get the Absolute perfect.
- Why later stages of enlightenment cannot be verbal.
- Why the “I” problem must be eliminated.
- Why Light is the removal of ignorance instead of physical light.
- Why being able to let go is a beautiful experience.
- Sensing, feeling, thinking and supramental states
- Why integration is the doorway to enlightenment.
- Why beyond this world of change there is something that doesn’t change.
- The realm of possibility of Quantum Physics
- Why infinity must be recognized only as possibilities.
- Existence, awareness and unlimited potential.
- Hindu philosophies and mystical descriptions.
- How we know what we know.
- What happens if appropriate action takes place.
- The awareness field of subject-object experience.
- Why suffering blocks us from becoming unlimited.
- Intuition, insight, and inspiration.
- The best approach – investigating joy instead of suffering.
- Why Quantum Physics is a timeless, spaceless and unlimited possibility.
- Why 70 – 80% of people believe in God.
- The vested interest in everything material.
- Why we cannot predict or control the unknown because it is discontinuous.
- Why reality is fundamentally connected.
- The tangled hierarchy.
- Why behavior comes from habits and not free will.
- Why love never dominates over another human being.
- Why we love something that loves us back (mutual exchange.)
Audio Two:
- How partial transformations do take place.
- Why all that takes place is discontinuous.
- Taking the Quantum Leap (Divine Grace.)
- Nonlocality – acknowledgment of nonlocality of consciousness.
- Complete understanding of why we cannot have a material model of consciousness.
- Promissory materialism.
- Why a hammer in the hand sees the world as nails.
- Why mathematical theory is an objective theory.
- Why we cannot see Consciousness as an object because it is not an object.
- The subjective aspects of Consciousness.
- That which cannot be explained.
- Why there is no explanation of freedom.
- How we have awareness of subject-object experience.
- Upward Causation – the materialist view – particles cause everything. Also known as the Theory of Everything.
- Downward Causation – Consciousness acts on matter.
- How matter and non-matter communicate.
- The Gospel of Thomas on Downward Causation.
- Downward Causation – everything is Consciousness.
- How Consciousness is the building block.
- Why all things are fundamentally conscious.
- Beingness beyond manifested beingness.
- Why quantum objects are like waves.
- How waves are distinguished from particles.
- Why particles are localized (one place at a time.)
- Why waves are spread out (many places at the same time.)
- Why electrons spread so fast in a matter of seconds.
- Sound waves and trying to detect electrons.
- Why the electron is found in the most probable place.
- Why wherever you look, the electron becomes localized.
- Why the wave is collapsing instantly.
- Waves in other dimensions of reality.
- Potential and transcendence.
- Waves of possibility when nobody is detecting it.
- Why Being has to decide if looking has taken place.
- When the center of gravity of the object has moved.
- Why looking has something to do with it.
- Why only a Being can decide if something has taken place or not.
- Why Consciousness has a special role in whether something has taken place or not.
- Quantum Physics in terms of possible movements.
- How do possibilities become actual events?
- Why Downward Causation is not dualism.
- How do you see the Gestalt picture (old woman/young woman)?
- The shift in perception and collapse.
- Why matter is nothing but ideas of Consciousness.
- Objects manifested and localized.
- Why the mind demands order.
- Why shifting perspective means looking.
- Why what you are seeing is what your mind brings to the object.
- What it means to intend.
- The external (matter) and internal (mind) universe.
- Why what you are looking for is what is looking.
- Why the problem is that we think we are individual.
Audio Three:
- How Consciousness converts possibilities into actual experience.
- Why Consciousness is non-dual and chooses from possibilities in the non-ordinary state.
- Why all of us at some point or another has “glimpses” of this Oneness experience (especially those who study this.)
- Why this glimpse of Oneness inspires Faith.
- Why Unity Consciousness is more real than Individual Consciousness.
- Why extraordinary events are discontinuous and non-local.
- Some beings claim to be in Consciousness all the time – Amit does not agree (it comes in glimpses.)
- Why glimpses do not remove the doubt completely but our faith has more weight than our doubt.
- Why it is a private faith.
- The dangerous part is the constant doubt belief system.
- Why materialists don’t have experiences of faith and why if you have faith, you can’t be a materialist.
- The David Bohn problem of objectivity.
- 10% – Glimpses – give faith “insight experiences.”
- Comes from within – common for professionals.
- Why art is a unity experience.
- The objectivity problem.
- Subjective colorations – do we all see the same color red?
- Why our normal state of Consciousness is Oneness superimposed.
- Why both ego and unity are on equal footing empirically.
- Why ego is secondary superimposed.
- The subtle changes in psychology, religious pursuits, and scientific pursuits.
- When this transpersonal self, this oneness, becomes the real thing.
- Why ordinary people live in a conditioned state of Consciousness.
- Why Radiant Health is not an ordinary state of Consciousness.
- The difference between Spirituality and Mysticism.
- Why your subjective dreams can create strong insight inside of you.
- Why there is not complete certainty.
- Glimpses of faith through meditation.
- Why the ego wants to have happiness.
- Why “I” is the problem.
- Why we should follow the lives of great people.
- The problem of mystical insight.
- How the power of experimentation can verify deductively.
- Our hypothesis – that Consciousness is the ground of Being.
- The problem with our hypothesis – it cannot be verified.
- Likewise, materialism can never verify that matter is the ground of being.
- Verification of synchronized brain waves.
- The brilliant man who proved Consciousness was one and then never left the Mexico City Airport (no one knows what happened to him.)
- Entanglement – when two particles become correlated and start moving the same way.
- The non-local influence of entanglement.
- Quantum Non-Locality – two objects that know about each other without any local signals.
- When only one stimulus – only one person is getting a signal.
- Meditation intention and why it is important.
- Clear signatures of potential.
- The argument – no message can be transferred non-locally. Must be two random events.
- The challenge of non-local hidden variables.
- When Consciousness that collapses is non-local.
- How meditative intentions can get us in sync.
- The Trigger Effect – how something inside of us will not be triggered.
- Why the observer intention can disrupt us.
- Why transport potential is separate from ESP.
- Why it would be wonderful to establish transport potential in addition to ESP.
- Why we can never prove instantaneous – only faster than light.
- Why Consciousness as One has now been verified.
- Why this is leading to the possibility of public faith.
- Why it does not get media attention.
Audio Four:
- Why every system depends on metaphysics or oncology.
- Why Oneness Consciousness that collapses Quantum possibility into an actual event is now objective – and does not depend on the subjective.
- What are anomalies?
- What does Spiritual Cosmology have to say?
- What is the methodology of findings?
- Why we all have a world view whether we like it or not.
- How it depends on the way we grew up.
- Amit – grew up with Hinduism.
- Why childhood belief systems are so hard to shed.
- The Big Bang Explosion and why it is well founded.
- Why we cannot know if we were not there.
- Why it was a singular event that does not take place often.
- Why other Universes cannot be verified by science.
- Why other dimensions may be able to be verified.
- Why Parallel Universes are not scientific.
- Why the Many World’s Theory is not a scientific solution to the problem.
- The Anthropic Principle and Biology Evolution.
- Why we should never tell our children that there are only particles and atoms.
- Why children should know about the controversy and make up their own minds.
- The many holes of Neo-Darwinism.
- The Fossil Gaps – clearly missing evidence of species “jumping into” the forms of other species.
- Called the “Missing Link.”
- Why Darwinians believe everything is continuous.
- Materialism and the fundamental component of genes.
- Why variations exist.
- Natural Selection (Materialists) as the basis of survival.
- Darwin and Newton – fantastic scientists but the problem of continuity.
- Quantum Physics is Discontinuous.
- Why atoms have no survival instinct.
- Adaption and the environment.
- Why Darwinism (like Behaviorism) is a theory of adaptation.
- Why there is no explanation of how the rapid phase of evolution works.
- The models of geographical isolation.
- The mechanisms of fast temple evolution.
- Science versus pseudoscience.
- Why String Theory cannot be verified.
- Why not one of Stephen Hawking’s theories have been verified.
- Why Einstein’s theory was verified.
- Why true scientific theory must be general enough to apply to many cases in order to have application.
- If it works for raindrops, it must work for stars or it is not useful!
- The fundamental difficulty of Darwinism – how does a significant variation take place? Can it ever? How can it take place from species to species?
- The intricate machinery of the evolution of the eye.
- Why it would take thousands and thousands of mutations to form an eye.
- Why most mutations are harmful and discarded by nature.
- Why Darwinism states that changes are a slow process, very gradual.
- If not slow, species could not adapt.
- Neutral mutations – not harmful or beneficial.
- The “Hopeful Monster” – the idea that thousands of genes could mutate and create an eye. Impossible!
- Why no change is a change until Consciousness collapses.
- Until then – it is just possibility.
- Consciousness collapses first and survival comes afterward.
- Another difficulty of Darwinism – how creativity occurs.
- At some point, there must be a collage of possibilities.
- The resonance between what you are looking for and what arises.
- Only creative insight can collapse it.
- Why we are dependent upon previous patterns.
- Rupert Sheldrake and Morphogenesis.
- Why genes express themselves in several different ways.
- Why resonance takes place between morphic fields and expression.
- The homeostasis of a cell.
- The Human Genome Project.
- Theoretical aspects.
- Sheldrake’s 7 experiments that could change the world and how they verify non-locality.
- The Creative Theory of Healing.
- The Darwinism environmental difficulty – hostile to survival and the urgency of this.
- Simple organisms and their mutation rates.
- Why Quantum Physics describes all objects as possibilities along with probability.
- Why interpretation is a modification.
- The Mind-Body Duality of Descartes.
- How does the unlimited become limited?
- How to see yourself separate from yourself.
- What are the constraints, rules, and games?
- Why every moment has archetypes.
- Why the micro is subject to fast spreading and the macro is sluggishness, camouflaging the micro.
- Why the existence of macro always looks the same – quantum sluggishness.
- The evolutionary phase of going beyond ourselves.
- What if we had programs of Love?
- If we had Love programs, why we would know exactly what to do.
Audio Five:
- Representations – how to be in a supra-mental revolution?
- Why trying to define the Absolute is not meaningful.
- Why we need to know what obscures Consciousness.
- How our own Consciousness is obscured from us.
- Why we analyze what takes place.
- Why our memory gives rise to responses and what has happened before, which brings up another memory and another collapse.
- How mathematics solves this.
- Memory feedback – how we all respond to stimuli from the past, we modify it in favor of a response from the past (how conditioning works.)
- Why we repeatedly respond in a certain way. If in the future, overwhelmingly in favor of responding the same way as the past.
- The challenge of looking to the secondary collapse.
- Why collapse is a choice and we can choose a past response or a new one.
- The Quantum Self-experience – getting in touch with it.
- Why we need full insight – Consciousness is only One.
- Being aware – choosing the collapsing.
- Relaxing this in-between situation (not doing anything.)
- Deep sleep – conditioned into behaving in the ego mode.
- Creative sleep – going into the gap.
- Why there is no subject-object split and why it is tough to think about.
- The unconscious gap in discernible ways.
- Sleep – discovering the self in new ways.
- The very exalted state.
- Not struggling with old habits anymore.
- Liberation from the birth-death cycle.
- Primary Awareness and no memory of it.
- Why no memory means no time.
- Awareness is present in all of us but it is obscured.
- Once you have reached beyond time, there is no coming back to time.
- Why ego identity is a false identity.
- The ego-self versus the quantum self.
- Synchronicity and meaningful coincidences.
- Why synchronicity is so personal.
- Why the intuitive mind is always looking for synchronicity.
- Why if you are getting help, you are on the right path but if you are not getting help, you need to change paths.
- Holistic – when more than one thing at a time can accommodate.
- Must become aware of the Holistic Pattern.
- Creativity, transfer motion and healing.
- Why in relationships, we blurt out things we don’t mean.
- Selfishness – complete identification with the ego.
- Why we should never hold anyone accountable for the things they blurt out (not conscious.)
- We all eventually learn to come out of that state.
- These states remain until we become liberated.
- If we give up the self, we are giving up the negative part of the self.
- If we give up the negative part of self, we will take quantum leaps.
- Why be afraid to give up a life of suffering?
- The mission of Jesus.
- Amit’s dream and the dancing angels.
- Becoming aware of being in the heart.
- Engaging in the world with love.
- Why the happiness that matters is not the opposite of unhappiness.
- Healing the True Self.
- The Indwelling Self is what we are after.
- We can’t deny that the world is there.
- New strategy: “Look how beautiful that is.”
- Why we should not take thinking or one’s self too seriously.
- Must be able to laugh at ourselves.
- Cannot see visual demonstrations because it is in audio format.
- Sometimes a little difficult to follow.
Who Is “The Visionary Window” For?
“The Visionary Window” is for someone who has a keen interest in the mysteries of the Universe, but more specifically, an interest in Consciousness. The view in this course goes against the Darwinian materialistic view of “Upward Causation” (everything is created from particles and atoms.)
Instead, the view of Dr. Amit Goswami is that of “Downward Causation,” which means that everything is created from Consciousness. Dr. Goswami’s view also goes into great detail about how the observer collapses an actual event from a realm of quantum possibilities.
So, in other words, “The Visionary Window” is not for the strict materialist, Darwinian or neo-Darwinian scientist. Instead, it would better appeal to someone who is open to the idea of a Greater Intelligence directing this world.
“The Visionary Window” Tools & Training:
Classroom Style Training
“The Visionary Window” Support:
Ticket System
“The Visionary Window” Price:
$11.95 (one-time fee)
My Final Opinion of “The Visionary Window”:
I am a huge fan of Dr. Amit Goswami and have been following him for many years. I also believe in the concept of “Downward Causation!” I like the way Dr. Goswami explains the quantum concepts surrounding the topic of Consciousness. I also like the way he emphasizes that although Downward Causation cannot be proved, Upward Causation cannot be proved either.
Dr. Amit Goswami is among a growing group of physicists who believe the Quantum Model should be taught in schools along with the Darwinian model. To date, only the Darwinian (materialistic) view is allowed to be taught in all schools.
In Summary …
In summary, “The Visionary Window” is for the curious mind – the person who loves to learn about the mysteries of this Universe. The audio is very clear, but it is still sometimes hard to follow the concepts of this brilliant man. But this is only because Dr. Amit Goswami has such a vast wealth of knowledge.
Personally, I love listening to highly intelligent people such as Dr. Amit Goswami. But I have learned that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for quantum discoveries! I especially love his approach that all of us should adopt a new strategy when approaching the world, one where we note and observe how beautiful things are.
The only thing I would add would be more emphasis on “appreciation.” My personal opinion is that this is the real ingredient needed to experience enlightenment here on Earth.
All comments are greatly appreciated! If this article was interesting to you in any way, please leave comments below!
“The Visionary Window” at A Glance:
Name: The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist’s Guide to Enlightenment
Price: $11.95 (one-time fee)
Owners: Better Listen Audios
Overall Rank: 94/100
Verdict: Legit!